Full and Fun February
February weather is always a little challenging. Despite the extreme temperature changes (and confused seasonal affective disorders) we still had lots of fun with our tribe this month, enjoying our indoor hideaways and some outdoor sunshine.
We frequently sit back amazed at the beautiful community God has orchestrated in our midst. So many different winding pathways to this little community of hope and freedom. So many different backgrounds, but all so necessary as we continue to build this thing together.
We hope you will join us in March!
8 Dimensions of Wellness Series

This month, we launched a new educational series. Amy Champlin, Recovery Advocate, Teresa Woolson, Founder of the VOW Foundation, and Jessica Ponti of BRiDGES, came together to brainstorm and organize this low key, fun and friendly talk series through the 8 Dimensions of Wellness.
Each week is full of snacks, laughs, free goodies, and fun conversation. We have loved watching our tribe come together and share their experiences, struggles, insights, and hopes into their own wellness journeys. We love that every person is an “expert” of an area and has something to offer others who may be struggling.
Coming up in March, we will share about Intellectual, Environmental, Occupational, and Social Wellness. We hope you can join us!
Coffee & Crafts

This month, we had the opportunity to host two “Coffee & Craft” events. These events are typically run monthly and involve a low key instructional, fun, and bubbly space to craft and connect. We loved the opportunity to create “5 Bean Soup Mason Jars”, but we were even more impressed with the tribe that came together to “Freestyle” craft together. We trialed the Freestyle option back in December of 2022 and LOVED the turnout, with great feedback. These types of sessions are low-key, allowing you to create with items in our space, bringing your own crafty creation, or simply sitting back in conversation and fellowship while enjoying a cup of coffee. We love this opportunity to build relationships together!
In March, we will postpone our first Saturday craft event, as we will be meeting at the Desens House on Saturday March 4th at 8:30 AM for another promising work day! We hope to see you at the house! (264 W. 2nd St. Oswego)
This month, we created warming bags, pillowcases, mosaicked wall art, mod podge canvases, and more!
Art Workshop

We are always looking to craft, learn, and grow as a tribe. Hayley Evans has been a beautiful, graceful, and loving part of that venture! We so enjoyed having her gently coach and instruct us through creating beautiful pieces related to the Psalms for some of our upcoming art showcase ventures. There is never a bad piece of art – God continually is showing us and affirming us in that He can create wonderful things from the seemingly broken and messy.
Thank you, Hayley, for loving on our tribe and helping us create beautiful pieces!
Community Conversations

We always enjoy the opportunity to share our heart and vision of the Desens House with others. This month, the CITI BOCES New Visions Program invited us, alongside Teresa Woolson from the VOW Foundation, to speak about the Desens House, the danger of opioids, Narcan, chronic pain, and the importance of community. We shared with 94 Oswego County High School students and were completely amazed at their willingness to share and their understanding of the importance of community, for those in recovery of all sorts of things! Thank you to Emily Kirch and Dianna Nesbitt for having us for this super fun day!
This month, we shared about the importance of community with 94 high school friends!
Grab & Go Breakfast

Weekly on Wednesday, we serve breakfast at Elim Grace Church. We enjoy the homemade goodies, snacks, hot coffee, and delightful conversation. Life can be tough, but we are in this together! We had a blast watching our community grow and connect this month!
Join us Wednesdays at Elim Grace from 9-11 for breakfast!
Building Life Skills

Come Cook with Us!
We are continually looking for community members to come cook with us and/or teach us how to make simple dinner meals.We would love your help in making these nights happen!Provide your best contact information so we can reach out to you promptly. We will partner with you to help make the night fun & seamless! We always laugh, eat, & connect over these yummy meals.
This month, we shared a kitchen space with new friends and old “tried and trues”! We even tried turkey meatloaf!

Week after week, we have gathered together in the quiet Connection Point basement to pray together, study God’s word together, and grow closer in fellowship. We have switched gears to dive into the free, fun, and authentic Alpha Course!
“In a world of isolation, anonymity, and keyboard-warriors, Alpha offers content and guidance for churches, ministries, and individuals to create a space for honest and open conversations about life’s biggest questions. Everyone is welcome and no questions are off limits.”
Questions? Reach out to Amy at: amychamplin@desenshouse.org

To the desenshouse.org administrator, Keep up the great work!