Marching On Together: March 2023

Keep Marching On!

Just like Joshua and friends around the city of Jericho (Joshua 6), we are continuing to “march” on, watching March leave almost as quickly as it came (and yes… the puns are in full swing as we transition into daylight savings, spring, and a new house!).

This month, our crew focused on the importance of fellowship and community. As we have continued to encourage one another (Hebrews 10:24-25) and spur towards good deeds, we have reconnected with old friends, made new friends, and pressed forward with the joy of the Lord in our midst. This walk (and life!) is not always smooth sailing, but we have seen God restore and heal in ways we could never have imagined! We are thankful for the Lord’s guidance and strength to keep “marching” forward.

Thank you for joining us in March, and for praying with and for us along the way.

We hope you will join us in April!

Wellness Series

Last month, we launched a new educational series. Amy Champlin, Recovery Advocate, Teresa Woolson, Founder of the VOW Foundation, and Jessica Ponti of BRiDGES, came together to brainstorm and organize this low key, fun and friendly talk series through the 8 Dimensions of Wellness. Each week is full of snacks, laughs, free goodies, and fun conversation.

We have loved watching our tribe come together and share their experiences, struggles, insights, and hopes into their own wellness journeys. We love that every person is an “expert” of an area and has something to offer others who may be struggling. This month, we shared about Intellectual, Environmental, Occupational, and Social Wellness. We had fun puzzle competitions, planted beautiful succulent plants, and discussed different opportunities within our community to support our wellness. We so enjoyed providing this weekly outlet for working through all of the areas that support our health and wellness! We look forward to more opportunities to share our stories together!

Community Crochet Project

We’re so excited to kick off our Community Crochet Project!

Simply crochet a 5″x5″ square and drop it off at The Connection Point! We will have a polaroid camera on hand to take a quick photo of you and your square. We’re not just creating a quilted tapestry, but we’re weaving a community of artists together through this project!
Our crochet masterpiece and collected photos will be displayed in our collaborative art show this fall at the Oswego Art Association (more details to come).
Debbie Morrison, a local crochet expert, will assemble the final product. We can’t wait to see what we create together and are excited for you to be a part!

For questions, message us on Facebook or email Dean Wright at:

Thank you, Debbie, for heading up this amazing opportunity for our artists to shine!

Community Discussions

We believe that a part of our vision to set generations free one life at a time includes breaking stigma and opening healthy and honest conversations around addiction and related issues. This month, Amy Champlin and Alicia Vann led another fun conversation around chronic pain, opiates, and addiction issues. There was also a Narcan training provided to equip more community members to administer this life-saving medication. We are grateful for a community that supports open conversations, continues to ask the hard questions, and challenges themselves to love others well!

If you are interested in participating or scheduling this conversation, please reach out to
Alicia Vann: or 315.326.116

This month, we shared about the chronic pain and Narcan for community members of Elim Grace Church in Oswego!

House Update!

Getting Ever Closer to Opening our Doors!

This month, we took great strides towards finalizing this home and opening our doors! Servants Heart North launched their first ministry project and included us as one of their work sites! We worked together to paint, build furniture, and clean both floors of our building. We were excited to have folks from community churches, Elim Grace Church, and multiple students from SUNY Oswego in on the action! God has been so good in this building already and we cannot wait to see what else God will do once our doors are open!

Thank you to Bill King, Leighton Smith, and crew who keep showing up to “be strong and do the work”!


Building Life Skills

Come Cook with Us!
We are continually looking for community members to come cook with us and teach us how to make simple dinner meals. We would love your help in making these nights happen!
Provide your best contact information so we can reach out to you promptly. We will partner with you to help make the night fun & seamless! We always laugh, eat, & connect over these yummy meals.

Facts & Snacks

Facts, Snacks, Talks, & Tea: A Call to Speakers & Storytellers!
We love to bring you topics and discussions around recovery to help break the stigma that surrounds addiction. Some previous events have included personal testimonies, chronic pain, mental illness/health, anxiety, exercise, and trauma-informed care.

If you’re interested in giving a talk, testimony, story please fill out our Speaker Interest Form!

Stronger Together

We love the opportunity to grow stronger together week after week. We have walked together, talked together, and stretched together; growing our muscles and our relationships. Join Amy Champlin and Erin Hicks for yoga, aerobics, and other fitness classes at the Connection Point!

Reach out to Amy at:

Writers Nook

The Writers Nook is a place where we collect stories, essays, poetry etc. around recovery, hope and transformation. Writing can be a powerful tool to process trauma, rebuild self-esteem, and support sustained recovery. Every story is unique, special and significant.

Interested in submitting work? Do so here!

Alive with Alpha

Week after week, we have gathered together in the quiet Connection Point basement to pray together, study God’s word together, and grow closer in fellowship. We have switched gears to dive into the free, fun, and authentic Alpha Course!
“In a world of isolation, anonymity, and keyboard-warriors, Alpha offers content and guidance for churches, ministries, and individuals to create a space for honest and open conversations about life’s biggest questions. Everyone is welcome and no questions are off limits.”


Weekly on Wednesday, we serve breakfast at Elim Grace Church. We enjoy the homemade goodies, snacks, hot coffee, and delightful conversation. Life can be tough, but we are in this together! We had a blast watching our community grow and connect this month!

Join us Wednesdays at Elim Grace from 9-11 for breakfast!